starting vector

英 [ˈstɑːtɪŋ ˈvektə(r)] 美 [ˈstɑːrtɪŋ ˈvektər]

网络  起始向量



  1. Starting from Helmholtz's theorem, the uniqueness conditions of scalar field are obtained based on the fact that the scalar field can be regarded as a special example of vector field.
  2. With the concept of vector equality, if coordinates of starting point and terminal point are provided, both mold of vector and distance formula between two points can be worked out.
  3. Then, we prove that under some weaker assumptions, the homogeneous Stochastic models starting from a deterministic initial vector should go to collapse with probability one.
  4. Starting from the polarization matrix and propagation equation of the cross-spectral density matrix, a detailed study of the influence of hard-edge aperture on the spectral switch of polychromatic vector Gaussian-Schell model beams is performed.
  5. Starting from the frame of method based on learning sample, a hybrid learning scheme based on independent component analysis and support vector machine is proposed and used in face detection.
  6. Starting from vector refraction theorem, the design principle of transmitted laser beam through double-prism to perform microradian deviation is researched, and the testing problem of fine pointing and tracking in inter-satellite optical communications is solved.
  7. The primary principle of Markov chains forecasting is setting up the model that is used for forecasting the state of some time in the future by using the starting vector and the transferring probability.
  8. Turbofan Engine Starting Characteristics Estimation Based on Support Vector Machines
  9. Starting from the universal approximation theorem of multilayered feed forward neural networks, this paper proves that the finite time trajectory of nonlinear continuous time system with input can be approximated by the state vector of the output units of a class of recurrent neural networks.
  10. Starting with the design thought, we use vector space models and BP neural networks as the way of intelligent text analysis, and put forward a system frame realizing intelligent network filtering.
  11. When synthesizing the reference voltage vector, select the vector which only includes P and O states as the starting vector, thus eliminate the vector shift problem when sector changes.
  12. The paper presents a new starting algorithm based on comprehensive vector, which can pick the instantaneous currents of three phases simultaneously to form the amplitude of comprehensive vector and discriminate the fault according to the waveforms tendency of normal condition and fault.
  13. Starting from the basic radiation theory, the calculation formulae for ground irradiance of space scattered reflection target are derived. The calculation process for integration in the formulae with vector method is explained in detailed.
  14. A New High-Sensitivity Starting Element Based on Current Comprehensive Vector
  15. Based on above study, this paper comes to the conclusions that with disturbance point's influence, to starting component which the operating value is a vector, the protection may false;
  16. Starting from the support vector domain model, the paper establishes SVD predictive models of chaos time series as well as chaos phase trace of non-linear map, based on Takens phase space delay reconstructing theory.
  17. Starting from the relationship between the angular velocity and linear velocity of movement vector in the 3D space, this paper focuses on computation of rotation minimizing frames based on previous research.
  18. Starting from the principle of support vector machine, the superiorities of it in short-term load forecasting are elaborated.
  19. Through the study of historical documents at home and abroad, starting from the point of view of the general and summarized and detailed introduction to the historical development of the vector space.
  20. Starting with the axis vector, the attitude angle is derived.
  21. Covering algorithm starting from geometric point of view, mappes the vector of input sample to the sphere of high-dimensional space, and cover each type of sample with areas as little as possible through training to form classification network model.
  22. For the inter-frame motion estimation, a parallel algorithms for motion estimation based on full search is proposed, this algorithm set the starting point to 0, canceling the step of using the adjacent block motion vector to predict the starting point.